Your Answers to These Questions about Hair Will Tell Us How Stylish You Really Are
Do you consider yourself stylish? Do you know everything about good hair? Do you think you have what it takes to be called a Darling woman? Have you found your beautiful? Who is your style icon?
As a woman, one of the things that qualifies you as stylish is your ability to tell one hairstyle apart from another, knowing the perfect hairstyle to go with every outfit you’re wearing, etc.
At Darling, we aim to ensure that the African woman finds that thing that makes her feel most beautiful, most confident and most herself at all times. This is why we provide super comfortable hair extensions that every woman can select from and look beautiful in at all times, no matter her mood, style or preference.
Just a few months ago, we launched our all new Darling, where we showcased our new face, colour, hair extensions, brand messaging and core goals. In no times, our Find Your Beautiful campaign was on the lips of every fashionable woman in the country, including celebrities and fashion icons, with everyone gushing about how good our new extensions look and how they couldn’t wait to rock some of them.
This quiz takes several things into consideration and seeks to find out how stylish you really are. It also features several style icons rocking some gorgeous hairstyles that are easily identifiable if you’re in the business of staying chic and trendy at all times.
Lastly, we want to see how familiar you are with our brand. If you say you know good hair, you should be able to identify all the cool hair extensions out there, right?
Can you tell the difference between our Bone Straight weaves and our Yaki Curl? Can you identify some of the most stylish celebrities from just a backview? Do you know what our core brand message is?
The style test below will reveal whether you’re indeed as stylish as you say you are. Take it to find out.
Click Here to find out if you’re using the right kind of weaves or if you need to make a complete change to your hair choices.