Protective styles are a great way to encourage hair growth. Protective styling combined with other healthy hair habits will surely result in healthier and stronger hair. If you are considering a protective hairstyle, keep these do’s and don’ts of protective styles in mind.
Image Courtesy: W24
The Do’s
1. Protect Your Ends
One of the main goals of protective styling is to protect your ends. Protecting your ends from friction or harsh fabrics can help you retain length. Twists/braids, buns, weaves all give you the option of protecting your ends. So no matter what style you choose, tuck those ends away!
2. Keep Changing Them
We all know, an old protective style eventually gets boring and can cause stress on your tresses and edges. Change it up! Keep changing the parting and hair position to avoid excessive stress on one particular side.
The Don’ts
1. Pull Too Tight
Make sure you don’t pull too tight while styling your extensions; it can lead to breakage and tension around your hairline. Opt for styling options that are not too small or tight.
2. Neglect Your Natural Hair
Even though your natural hair is tucked away, do not neglect it. Avoid keeping styles, like twists/braids for too long, it can lead to excessive tangling/matting and eventually breakage. Keep your protective hairstyle for not more than two weeks. Make sure you oil and moisturize your natural hair while your protective hairdo is on.
The goal of protective styling is healthier hair! It is important to consider these points, to reap the most benefits of protective styling. With protective styling, the options are endless! Check out The Best Protective Hairstyles For Natural Hair and take your suitable pick.